Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Tuesday Work/Dienstagsarbeit

I know today is Wednesday, but I only took some pictures on Tuesday.  Flora started a new main lesson block on grammar.  She is learning about the different parts of speech, at this level we call them "doing words", "how words", "color words" and "naming words".  Here Flora is standing at the black board, underlining the different parts with different colored chalk.  We are also using Ruth Heller's picture books right now.      

Ich weiß, daß heute Mittwoch ist, aber ich habe nur gestern Fotos gemacht.  Flora hat mit einer neuen Epoche angefangen, jetzt machen wir Grammatik.  Sie lernt die verschiedenen Wortarten und unterstreicht sie farbig an der Tafel.   

While I was cooking lunch, Flora worked on her art postcards (matching paintings with the name of the painter) on the kitchen floor.

Während ich Mittagessen gekocht habe, hat Flora mit ihren Kunstpostkarten auf dem Küchenfußboden gearbeitet.  Sie muß immer ein Gemälde mit dem Namen des richtigen Künstlers verbinden.    

After she was done with the cards, her doll Lavender also needed lunch ☺.
Nachdem sie mit den Karten fertig war, brauchte ihre Puppe Lavendel auch noch Mitagessen☺.

Here Veronika is reading about Africa in her geography book.  Julius is happy to have found a lap.
Hier liest Veronika über Afrika in ihrem Erdkundebuch.  Julius ist froh, einen Schoß gefunden zu haben.  

All afternoon was spent at two libraries, picking up and dropping off another little dancer and my own ones, and driving all the way to ballet and back.  It is pitch-dark on the way back now.  There are just stars and deer out there.  If I did not know the route so  well, I think I would not end up at home.

Den ganzen Nachmitag waren wir in zwei Büchereien, haben eine andere Tänzerin abgeholt und wieder nach Hause gefahren und natürlich auch unserer Tänzerinnen zum Ballett gebracht.  Wenn ich dienstags zurückfahre, ist es stockfinster und man sieht nur Sterne und Rehe.  Wenn ich die Strecke nicht so gut kennen würde, würde ich bestimmt nie zu Hause ankommen.

Jonathan was happy to report 100% on a theology exam (Bible).  
Jonathan hat sich gefreut mir erzählen zu können, daß er 100%  für seine Theologieklausur (Bibelwissenschaft) bekommen hat.           

Today, I showed these two videos to my students because they are learning all about German beverages right now.

Heute habe ich meinen Studenten diese beiden Videos gezeigt, weil sie alles über deutsche Getränke lernen.  


  1. I enjoyed the beverage video and the tea video. Tonight I've been up late wrapping a few gifts for Chanda and setting the table with a candle and birthday ring figures. I also was online putting together a Christmas card. I think it's time for bed now!

    I think Chanda and I must have Östfriesland style tea in the morning with her birthday breakfast!

    It's nice to see Flora and Veronika's work. I have such wonderful memories of similar times when the girls were so young :) Chanda and I finally finished _The Imaginary Invalid_. Toinette is such a fun character, and Moliere died after performing in the fourth show!

    1. Oh good, my students also liked those. I served them Gerolsteiner today and they liked it.

      Did you have Ostriesentee with her? Happy Birthday to her. Now she is 18 like Charlotte. How did that happen?

      I am glad you finished it, Miriam and Charlotte did laugh a lot. By the way, Charlotte and I finished Nicholas Nickleby in London. We are very proud of ourselves.

  2. Love the paintings above the chalk board and I also love the liturgical year calendar surrounded by holy images. Your life dies sound super busy right now :-)

    Hurrah though! I found some writing course info gifted to me by a friend and that has helped me clarify my next step! I even managed to come up with some ideas for posts Praise God :-) xx

    1. Thanks so much, San, and I am so glad you did find a course! Wonderful!

  3. Congrats for finishing Nicholas Nickleby! You can watch the movie together, now, if you like. I enjoyed it. Chanda never finished the book, so she didn't see the movie :P

    How did they get to be 18?! Yes, we did have the tea. However, I'm out of rock sugar!! I need to find a place to buy it here.

    1. Thanks so much! We are very proud of ourselves. I think there are several movies out there, but I have not looked into them so far.

      I only know where to order that sugar, not where to buy it. Morgana should have the info on the online store (which is an actual store in Minnesota I believe).


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